Friday, October 19, 2012

Accenturian's Attack!

On Thursday 18 October 2012, we were visited by bunch of Accenture's people, that is usually called Accenturian :)

They had their promotion dinner in fX and decided to have a sweet yet fluffy pancakes. At first, we were very shocked with around 20-30 people came to our booth at 8-ish pm.

OMG! Very big number of customers, and they are CRAVING for SWEET PANCAKES, what choice did we have beside served what they wanted :P they really are a "monster", they ordered like a lot of pancakes and a lot of OUR FAMOUS CRISPY MUSHROOM :)

We are really glad to serve you guys until all Accenturian are satisfied :)

It was a very good experience to be visited by a big consultant company like Accenture and have our Pancakes tasted.

Hope you guys were having a great experience here in "Pick a Pan" and come back some other time!

Here is the sneak peek of what happened that night!

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